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Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. get reddit premium. Cryptoworld join leave 32 readers. 5 users here now The below is a picture of the very limited trading view at Coinfloor: Coinfloor Fees Coinfloor Trading fees. The most important lesson to learn when it comes to picking the best cryptocurrency exchange site is that you must always check the fees. Coinfloor’s fees are flat and amount to 0.30% per trade. This fee is above the industry average. Coinfloor is the UK’s longest running bitcoin exchange. The exchange also offers the best liquidity in the GBP/BTC pair. As proof, Coinfloor regularly publishes audits to verify balances held on behalf of clients. Reliability: Coinfloor has a proprietary trade engine at the heart of their system designed to make all of their services possible. Coinfloor 成为第一个获得直布罗陀许可证的交易所。 交易所市场细分. 与期货交易量( 32 亿美元)相比,现货量占总市场量(不到 70 亿美元)近四分之三。 BitMEX 和 BitflyerFX 平均占总交易量的四分之一以上,而 CME 和 CBOE 等传统交易所占比不到 1% 。 赞同 8 添加评论. 分享. 收藏 喜欢 收起 . 匿名用户. 58 人 赞同了该回答. 自从用了reddit,对美国,甚至整个西方文明都失去兴趣了。 Reddit是个社交新闻站点,口号:提前于新闻发声,来自互联网的声音。其拥有者是Condé Nast Digital公司(Advance Magazine Publishers Inc的子公司)。用户(也叫redditors)能够浏览并且可以提交因特网上内容的链接或发布自己的原创或有关用户提交文本的帖子。其他的用户可对发布的链接进行高分或低分的 9 条评论. 分享. . 78 个回答. 默认排序. 知乎用户. 128 人 赞同了该回答. 说句实在话美国贴吧Reddit对于此事的反应都比这正常的多:


I was a regular user of Coinfloor and purchased BTC by transferring from my UK bank account. I have transferred money on 7 April 2019 and I received a mail  r/BitcoinUK: A community dedicated to the discussion of Bitcoin based in the United Kingdom. Feb 20, 2019 Market markers B2C2, Global Advisors, Alameda Research, Amber AI, Grapefruit Trading, Coinfloor and its subsidiary companies also have  人民日报评论文章:以区块链等为代表的技术正渗透到经济社会发展各个领域 我 将不再回复Gitter、Skype、Discord、Slack、Wire, Twitter和Reddit上的任何信息。 持牌公司包括火币、英国加密交易平台Coinfloor、Covesting、直布罗陀区块链交易  2019年12月3日 列表的回应,公众对中本聪白皮书的第一个评论是詹姆斯·唐纳德的这一精明观察: l 2014年4月:英国交易所Coinfloor发布第一份可证明的偿付能力报告。 然而,在 一个现已删除的Reddit 帖子中,即将离任的OKCoin首席技术官 

新闻 2020 - Dobrebit Coin

新闻 2020 - Dobrebit Coin 据称,Coinfloor是一家风险投资商支持的企业,希望成为英国在欧洲BTC交易中的下一个重大事件。 对施密特的回复没有任何评论,但他在与维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑奇会面期间首次了解到加密货币。 今天在Reddit上的一些用户宣布,比特币正在雅虎身上获得 比特币为何这样红?-比特币,为何这样红 ——快科技(驱动之家旗下 …

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r/BitcoinUK: A community dedicated to the discussion of Bitcoin based in the United Kingdom.